
Two Dogs TV & Film

So what can we do ?

For Branding:
Kim has designed, created and produced over 25 Television Channels, for the UK, Europe and the Middle East.
The budgets have ranged from £12,500 to £250,000.
They have been produced using a variety of methods from 2D and 3D CG animation,
traditional animation, live action and combinations of all these.
We are very happy to come up with all the creative concepts, do all the production work,
put together all the personnel and crew necessary, and do all the post production work.
We will make sure that every element needed from break bumpers, promo packaging,
music, sound FX and all the Ident work will all be produced for the agreed price.
For Commercials and Sponsorship:
Kim has written, created and filmed numerous commercials from 10" to 90" in duration,
and done them all from budgets of £1,500 to £250,000.
We can create the ideas and scripts, as well as film and produce anything you require, whatever the budget.
For Promos and shorts:
We can do any kind of promo you need, whether it's simply a script,
or using stills, editing footage or filming material specially for the project.
For Digital:
We can produce, edit and adapt original material for On line,
in any format you need either by file delivery, or any other format required.
We have two Edit suites based here in the Cotswolds,
which can be dry hired or used by us for any editing jobs required.
0044 7774 671900
0044 1452 812449